Neuftek is a company with profession in the big data technology and application. LOWI, its SaaS-based product, specializes in social media intelligence analysis and supports nature language process in up to 70 countries and 150 areas, providing a great tool for enterprise and government to execute digital campaigns and analyze public opinions.
Product features:
● Concept Exploration: The concept search helps explore new ideas for enterprises to get their customers’ and marketing insights.
● Influencer Analysis: The advanced network transitivity model helps an enterprise measure its social communities, network transitive force, media channels, and KOL (Key Opinion Leaders).
● Top Tracking: Track events, media channels, competitors and key opinion leaders within the latest 1 hour and react to a potential PR crisis as soon as possible.
● My Report: Online subscription on various reports in minutes helps each working individual with fast and correct information required for quality decision making.
● Trend Analysis: Make precise prediction on market trends based on the past events and understand customers’ consumption values affected.