Win the shift to the micro-moments

Accelerate digital transition with cloud-based and networking solutions fulfilled to your business needs.

Cloud-native SaaS POS 雲端POS系統

By BEDIN Shop Systems srl



aKite是最新一代POS及店內管理軟體,它簡化了店頭與總公司的溝通,並將系統移至雲端,透過微軟平台與BEDIN Shop應用軟體進行協作。同時,資料安全性遠遠大過於企業內部建置的系統。


From independent Stores to large Chains
Growing competition demands the utmost concentration on customer service and supply chain optimization. For this reason, Information Technology must allow continuous data sharing not only within the company but also outside of it, integrating a new ecosystem that includes Business Partners and Customers, increasingly connected to the Internet.

aKite is the latest generation of POS (Point of Sale) and In Store software services, which eliminates the complexity from stores and the chain HQ and moves it to the Cloud *, where it is managed by collaboration between Microsoft for the platform and BEDIN Shop Systems for the application software.

Simplicity is finally a reality. For a new store opening or for the replacement of a broken PC simply log onto a web page, follow the identification procedure, and after a few minutes, start to sell.

Data Security is far greater than for solutions managed internally.

Odoo Point of Sale

By Knacktechs Solutions

Odoo POS系統透過簡單的操作雲端方式協助餐廳及商店營運。完全雲端操作,不須任何軟體安裝,即使在網路斷線的情況下,依然能正常離線運作,直至連線恢復正常,再回復資料至雲端。


By Linkstreet Learning Priviate Limited.


